2nd Conference on Experimental Endocrinology
· Freising
Campus Weihenstephan
Hans-Carl-v.-Carlowitz-Platz 2
85354 Freising
Navigation: https://nav.tum.de/room/4277.EG.130
Online Registration
Coming soon!
Registration Deadline: 30.08.25
Registration fees
DGE member: 120 €
Non DGE member: 170 €
Abstract submission
Abstract submission is possible until 15.08.25. Please send the abstract to franziska.greulich@tum.de using the appropriate template: Abstract template (.docx)
Early booking recommended due to Octoberfest!
Hotel Gasthof Lerner
Vöttinger Straße 60
85354 Freising bei München
Phone: +49 / 8161 / 537 59 - 99
E-Mail: info@gasthof-lerner.de
München Airport Marriott Hotel
Alois-Steinecker-Straße 20
85354 Freising
Phone: +49 8161-966-0
Mercure Hotel Munich Airport Freising
Dr.-von-Daller-Str 1-3
85356 Freising
Phone: +49 8161 5320
E-Mail: HA0Q8@accor.com